Links to Way Out West-Related Video Clips, Websites, and Books

Selected Bibliography
Laurel & Hardy, by Charles Barr. University of California Press, 1967.
Laurel and Hardy, by John McCabe, Al Kilgore, and Richard W. Bann. Bonanza Books, 1975.
Laurel and Hardy: The Magic Behind the Movies, by Randy Skretvedt. Moonstone Press, 1987.

Video Clips From and About the Movie
Way Out West trailer A theatrical trailer for a 1940's re-issue of the movie.
L&H dance Stan and Ollie's famous dance from the movie.
Stan and Ollie's first vocal song in the movie Stan and Ollie sing "On the Trail of the Lonesome Pine."
Stan gets tickled Stan tries to protect the deed, but Lola (Sharon Lynne) finds his weak spot.
Pre-burglary scene Stan eats Ollie's hat.
Turner Classic Movies interview Robert Osborne interviews The Simpsons creator Matt Groening about the movie.
(Also, go to and type "Laurel and Hardy dance" into their search engine. You'll come up with endless variations on L&H's soft-shoe dance from the movie, with the Avalon Boys dubbed over with more, er, contemporary music.)

Websites Related to the Movie
Way Out West - The Feature Film Home Page Created by the Way Out West Tent, Oasis #5 of The International Laurel & Hardy Appreciation Society (a/k/a Sons of the Desert).
Laurel & Hardy - The Official Website
Laurel & Hardy Central - Hard-Boiled Eggs and Nuts
The Internet Movie Database
Turner Classic Movies A special TCM webpage devoted to the movie.
Sons of the Desert A/k/a The International Laurel & Hardy Appreciation Society, with "Tents" (chapters) throughout America and worldwide.
Leave 'em Laughing Tent A website adjunct to the Tent, chock-full of L&H movie reviews, interviews with many of their biographers, and other L&H-related goodies. Tell your friends!

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